Mystery Fiction

Mystery fiction

Mystery fiction can be detective stories in which the emphasis is on the puzzle or suspense element and its logical solution such as a whodunit. Mystery fiction can be contrasted with hardboiled detective stories, which focus on action and gritty realism. Interest in mystery fiction continues to this day because of various television shows which have used mystery themes and the many juvenile and adult novels which continue to be published. There is some overlap with "thriller" or "suspense" novels and authors in those genres may consider themselves mystery novelists. Comic books and graphic novels have carried on the tradition, and film adaptations or the even-more-recent web-based detective series, have helped to re-popularize the genre in recent times.!

இந்த வலைப்பதிவில் உள்ள பிரபலமான இடுகைகள்

மகாத்மா காந்தியின் சுய சரிதை - சத்திய சோதனை I

மகாத்மா காந்தியின் சுய சரிதை - சத்திய சோதனை III